Sapphire Dermatology
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Cosmetic, Medical, & Surgical Dermatologists located in Silver Spring, MD and Reston, VA

Sculptra services offered in the greater Silver Spring, MD and Reston, VA area

Sculptra® is a one-of-a-kind cosmetic injectable to enhance your curves and contours. Board-certified dermatologists Kunal Angra, MD, and Divya Angra, MD, and the team specialize in using Sculptra for the face at Sapphire Dermatology in Silver Spring, Maryland, and Reston, Virginia. Call Sapphire Dermatology or schedule a treatment consultation online to discuss your desired results today.

Sculptra Q&A

How does Sculptra work?

Sculptra has some similarities with dermal fillers, but it stands out because of its unique augmentation and lifting abilities. The injectable product relies on its main ingredient, poly-L-lactic acid, to stimulate your body’s natural collagen production for flattering and long-lasting results. 

A few days after injection, your body absorbs Sculptra as your fibroblast cells take over. They produce new strong collagen fibers to increase firmness, smooth your skin, and volumize targeted areas. 

What results can I get from Sculptra?

Sculptra can reduce wrinkles and enhance the natural contours of certain areas of your face and body. You can use Sculptra for your:


Sculptra can stimulate collagen in your face to reduce larger wrinkles, such as nasolabial folds. It can also build up volume in areas where your face has lost fat over time. 


You can target your hips with Sculptra to give them a more shapely and rounded appearance. 


Sculptra injections in your buttocks can augment them and improve their skin quality. 

The results of Sculptra last for around two years, which beats even the longest lasting dermal fillers on the market. 

What are the benefits of using Sculptra to reach my goals?

As you review your options for treatment, you should consider the many advantages that Sculptra has to offer, especially compared to plastic surgeries that accomplish similar goals. 

Some of Sculptra’s key benefits are:

  • Noninvasive treatment
  • Minimal side effects
  • Short recovery time
  • No general anesthesia
  • Natural-looking results
  • Long-lasting results 

The team at Sapphire Dermatology uses their aesthetic expertise to produce stunning Sculptra results with every personalized treatment. 

What should I expect after getting Sculptra?

The team at Sapphire Dermatology gives you detailed instructions on how to care for your skin after you finish getting Sculptra injections. They advise you to avoid strenuous activities for a few days, but you’re free to return to most of your normal routine right away. 

If you experience any soreness or bruising, you can manage it with over-the-counter medications like nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs according to your needs. 

Call Sapphire Dermatology or schedule an appointment online at either office to experience the stunning results of Sculptra today.